My heart and passion is to serve others. I’m grateful everyday for the opportunity to come beside others in their health and fitness journey as a coach. I’m also looking forward to completing my life coaching certificate and to working with young female athletes.
This morning I was updating my bio and I thought I’d share it here as well. I’d love for you to consider joining my August 21st 6-week challenge group to help you get on track with your own health journey. And if you desire to do more – to serve others, to stay accountable to your own health, and/or to create your own business while helping others, I’d love to talk to you moe about joining our team as a coach.
FYI, this is me.
I wear a lot of hats: wife, mother, friend, athlete, lawyer, coach. I’m passionate about my faith and about striving to successfully achieve all that God has in store for my life. To be the best at each of the roles I play, I have to be at my best, first. Kind of like the instructions on an airline, “first secure your own oxygen, then you can help others around you.” For me that means being well-nourished, physically and spiritually. It means getting and keeping my head in the right place. And to get my mind right, I need to keep my body right. Fitness gives me both mental and physical strength and clarity.
Throughout my life I’ve been an athlete. I played soccer and started figure skating at the age of five. I skated competitively over the next eight years. My years skating taught me about discipline, training, strength, and courage. Although I didn’t have a professional career in my future, the life lessons I learned being a young athlete set me up well for the challenges I faced as I grew up. After skating I played tennis, softball, and I was a cheerleader throughout high school. I loved being around sports and athletes. It gave me great leadership opportunities and I learned to take risks and put myself out there.
I became a runner in high school as well but I always ran for me – for fitness, for weight loss. I continued to run in college and used running as a tool to mentally as much as physically survive law school. It wasn’t until after the birth of my twins that I really considered “training” to run anything, other than the occasional 5K or 10K with friends. Months after my boys were born I talked with friends who were training for a marathon. That conversation rekindled a spark in my running spirit. I took off with my jogger stroller and took on the challenge. I ran my first marathon in 2004, two weeks shy of my boys’ first birthday. Quite a milestone following years of infertility, pregnancy loss, and a high risk twin pregnancy. And despite the extreme mental challenge and the plantar fasciitis I fought along the way, I was hooked! Since then I have run seven more marathons and a 50K ultra-marathon. I’ve also trained and competed in Tough Mudders and Spartan obstacle races, completing my first Trifecta alongside my husband in 2016.
Our lives and our journeys aren’t always linear. Sometimes we think we are heading to a particular destination only to come to a fork in the road and head off in a different direction. Such has been my life. After law school I practiced law for seven years. The next seven years I spent in the home raising three young boys. For the following six years I worked part time as a Risk Manager for a construction company. I’m now back home full time running my own business as a fitness and health coach and I am finally pursuing my dream of writing. I don’t regret any of the roles I’ve had or the time spent to achieve them. I know that each of them have shaped the woman I am today.
Setting and reaching goals in fitness, like running a marathon or completing a fitness program, sharpens my focus and shapes my character. The achievements bolster confidence. The failures teach humility. Both instruct in patience, perseverance and dedication.
As important as it is to exercise daily and to make good choices when it comes to nutrition, it is also important for me to stay healthy spiritually. I do this by spending time in the word, attending church services and surrounding myself with other believers who support and encourage me in my faith walk. I do not pretend to be perfect. I am a work in progress. Every day I practice certain disciplines to maintain my health.
The greatest gift each of us can give to ourselves, for our own benefit and those around us, is a healthy self – physically, emotionally and spiritually.